March 10, 2019: Big thanks to sistemadigitale for pointing to long time bug with category setting of new cover upload, and patience with fixing it on my side! (Marek)

January, 10 2015: Note: After server software upgrade, I had to rewrite some parts of website code Thus parts of the site could be still buggy, Kindly, report to me.

Sept 15, 2014: Thanks Onur Demirsoy, for nice favicon ;)

May 4, 2013: I apologize for downtime, disk got full, had to redone server a bit. Please email me, if there would any problems appear, thanks.

DivX Tech news
DivX software
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Dr. DivX;-)
 Extract AC3 tracks with SmartRipper 
For this operatiom use a SmartRipper - download
step 1:
Start SmartRipper
Select first title in ripped vts_*
step 2:
Select stream processing and click on the none
step 3:
Audio Stream
Select audio stream and radiobutton demux to extra file
step 4:
Select a target for file
step 5:
Click on the START
step 6:
Wait approx. 10 min.
step 7:
Rip is complete, file saved

Your comments (max. 255 characters)
Comments from anonymousposted - Feb, 26 2003 - 21:27
Talvez este n?úo seja o local, mas penso que o frederico deve saber mais que eu, de forma a eu tamb??m poder contribuir convosco.
Primeiro que tudo, tenho sacado algumas legendas deste site, mas n?úo sei como enviar as que eu mesmo fa?žo porque n?úo encontro, e que por vezes at?? fa?žam falta porque s?úo em portugu?¬s/europeu.
Gostaria de saber tamb??m o que s?úo ficheiro TMD, qual a qualidade e porque s?úo mais pequenos em Mb.
Existe algum softwar acess??vel para melhorar a imagem do filme DIVX ou VIA ou qualquer outro tipo quando tem qualidade daqueles captados com c?ómaras digitais nos cinemas.

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